Expresiones y frases letra ‘As’ idioms As
as a matter of fact de hecho as a rule por lo general as clean as a new pin limpio como un jaspe as clean as a whistle tener un historial sin mancha as clear as crystal claro como el agua as clear as mud clarísimo Pat lives in Australia. As a matter of fact, she's been living there since 1998. As a rule, we don't let any strangers in when my parents aren't home. Glenn washed the car today and he left it as clean as a new pin. Campbell is an honest man. I've investigated all his deeds. He's as clean as a whistle. Don't worry, the instructor gave us all the instructions. He was as clear as crystal. The teacher explained it in class, but it was all as clear as mud. Can you help me? as cool as a cucumber más fresco que una lechuga as dead as a doornail/the dodo más muerto que mi abuela as different as night and day ser la noche y el día as dull as ditchwater más aburrido que chupar un clavo as easy as pie pan comido as far as I know por lo que sé ...