
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2018

Expresiones y frases letra ‘Beyond’ idioms Beyond

beyond a doubt sin duda beyond comparison sin comparación, incomparable beyond measure desmesurado beyond one's means más allá de los propios medios beyond question sin duda beyond recall completamente perdido beyond reproach irreprochable This is, beyond a doubt, the best birthday party I've ever had! You should try the Bloody Mary here, it's beyond comparison! The oufit she chose for the evening was ridiculous beyond measure! I can't afford a trip to the Alps! It's way beyond my means! Emma was, beyond question, the most beautiful girl at the ball. The building is completely beyond recall . It'll have to be demolished. Molly's attitude towards all the gossip about her is beyond reproach .

Expresiones y frases letra ‘B’ idioms B

bad blood   resentimiento  bad taste in the mouth   mal sabor de boca  bag lady   vagabunda  bird of passage   ave de paso  bits and pieces cosas  black and blue amoratado  After they divorced, there's been a lot of bad blood between Ed and Liz. Losing the final game of the championship left a bad taste in our mouths. There's a bag lady begging for money at the town square. Carl came over today but he stayed for only two minutes. He's a bird of passage. I'm having a garage sale tomorrow. The attic was crammed with bits and pieces we don't use anymore. Dan's face was black and blue after a fist-fight with a neighbour. black and white   blanco y negro  black sheep   oveja negra  blind alley   callejón sin salida  blind date cita a ciegas  blind spot punto débil  blue-collar worker obrero  Peter is very narrow-minded, he thinks things in life are only black and white. ...