
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2018

Expresiones y frases letra ‘to Break’ idioms to Break

to break a bill cambiar un billete break a leg! ¡mucha suerte! to break even salir sin ganar ni perder to break faith with ser deslea l, no cumplir una promesa to break free liberarse to break loose soltarse Let me pay. I need to break this hundred-dollar bill. I saw Tim before he went on stage and I told him to break a leg. Jane thought she was making a good deal but it broke even. Steve promised he would come, I hope he doesn't break faith with his promise. When will you finally break free from that dreadful job? Andrew needs to break loose from those friends of his. They're no good. to break new ground abrir nuevos caminos to break one's back deslomarse to break ranks romper filas to break someone's heart romperle el corazón a alguien to break the back of something hacer la parte más difícil de algo to break the ice romper el hielo The discovery of DNA broke new ground in science. My mom broke her back all her life to feed my brother and me. T...

Expresiones y frases letra ‘to Blow’ idioms to Blow

to blow a fuse/your stack/top explotar de bronca to blow a raspberry at someone hacerle una trompetilla a alguien to blow away the cobwebs sacudirse las telarañas to blow hot and cold ser veleta to blow one's mind fascinar , alucinar to blow one's own trumpet tirarse flores My dad blew a fuse when I told him I wasn't going to college. I said 'Hi' to a little girl and she blew a raspberry at me! Why don't you take a nice bubble bath? That'll blow the cobwebs away. Pat blows hot and cold ! One minute she says she's coming, the next she says she's not! Listen to this new band! It'll blow your mind! Todd thinks he's the best lawyer in the world, doesn't he? He's always blowing his own trumpet. to blow someone's brains ou t volarle a alguien la tapa de los sesos to blow someone's cover desenmascarar a alguien to blow something off the map borrar algo del mapa to blow something out of the water/sky-high echar po...

Expresiones y frases letra ‘to Bite’ idioms to Bite

to bite more than you can chew Tratar de abarcar más de lo que se puede to bite one's tongue Morderse la lengua to bite someone's head off Echarle una bronca a alguien to bite the bullet Hacer de tripas corazón to bite the dust Pasar a mejor vida Gil's biting off more than he can chew . He wants to run a business, a school and give lessons. Every time I want to talk to him and tell him the truth I have to bite my tongue. Eric bit my head off because I missed a penalty shot at the game. We'll have to bite the bullet and cut down on some things if we want to pay the bills. Many people think Communism has bitten the dust. What do you think? http://www.shertonenglish.com/es/gramatica/expresiones-frases/verbo-to-bite

Expresiones y frases letra ‘to Beat’ idioms to Beat

to beat around/about the bush andarse con rodeos to beat someone hollow/black and blue darle una tremenda paliza a alguien to beat someone to a pulp hacer papilla a alguien to beat someone to within an inch of their life moler a alguien a palos to beat the bushes for something buscar algo por todas partes Andrew, stop beating around the bush and tell me what happened to Carl! The next time he provokes me I'll beat him hollow! Tyson beat his opponent to a pulp in the first round last night. Mike's in hospital, a gang of hooligans beat him to within an inch of his life on Sunday. Have you seen my purse? I've beaten the bushes for it but I can't find it! to beat the drum (for) pregonar con bombos y platillos to beat the rap quedar impune to beat swords into ploughshares forjar de las espadas azadones to beat your brains out estrujarse el cerebro The whole government has been beating the drum for the reform. Most criminals beat the rap nowadays. It...

Expresiones y frases letra ‘to Be’ idioms to Be

to be going begging que nadie reclama to be knee-high to a grasshopper ser un renacuajo to be of service to someone ser de utilidad a alguien to be on someone's tail pisarle los talones a alguien to be on the carpet tener que aguantarse una bronca Do you want this scarf? It's been going begging for months here. You can't get on the rollercoaster! You're knee-high to a grasshopper! If I can be of service to you, sir, please, let me know. I got so scared, I was driving and I felt there was someone on my tail. It was so unfair! I was on the carpet because someone else made a mistake! to be one brick short of a full load faltarle algunos caramelos en el frasco to be quick on the uptake agarrar las cosas al vuelo to be slow on the uptake ser algo torpe, lento to be someone's undoing ser la ruina de alguien to be to the fore ir delante Ed's not a bad man, he's just one brick short of a full load. You don't have to explain...

Expresiones y frases letra ‘By’ idioms By

by a hair por un pelo by all accounts al decir de todos by all means por supuesto by and by pronto, en seguida by and large en términos generales by any means por cualquier medio It was an exciting race. We won it by a hair, I thought we'd come in the second place! By all accounts , The Beatles are one of the most important rock 'n' roll bands in history. Do you want an apple? By all means, take as many as you wish! These shirts may be fashionable nowadays but by and by no one will wear them anymore. By and large, the immigration in the country came from Spain and Italy. Chuck's determined to get that job by any means. by chance por casualidad by coincidence por coincidencia by dint of a fuerza de by far por lejos by force of habit por costumbre by hand a mano I was walking down High Street and I came across Lucy by chance. Paul and I were at the theater last night and we met Joe and Vicky by coincidence. You're not going ...