Expresiones y frases letra ‘to Be’ idioms to Be

  • to be going begging que nadie reclama
  • to be knee-high to a grasshopper ser un renacuajo
  • to be of service to someone ser de utilidad a alguien
  • to be on someone's tail pisarle los talones a alguien
  • to be on the carpet tener que aguantarse una bronca

Do you want this scarf? It's been going begging for months here.
You can't get on the rollercoaster! You're knee-high to a grasshopper!
If I can be of service to you, sir, please, let me know.
I got so scared, I was driving and I felt there was someone on my tail.
It was so unfair! I was on the carpet because someone else made a mistake!

  • to be one brick short of a full load faltarle algunos caramelos en el frasco
  • to be quick on the uptake agarrar las cosas al vuelo
  • to be slow on the uptake ser algo torpe, lento
  • to be someone's undoing ser la ruina de alguien
  • to be to the fore ir delante

Ed's not a bad man, he's just one brick short of a full load.
You don't have to explain things twice to Sam, He's quick on the uptake.
Pat's a bit slow on the uptake, isn't she? I asked her what she wanted and she said 'Fine'.
Oh! Designer clothes will be my undoing! I can't live without them!
Doctor Peters has always been to the fore in the international scientific community.


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