Expresiones y frases letra ‘to Beat’ idioms to Beat

  • to beat around/about the bush andarse con rodeos
  • to beat someone hollow/black and blue darle una tremenda paliza a alguien
  • to beat someone to a pulp hacer papilla a alguien
  • to beat someone to within an inch of their life moler a alguien a palos
  • to beat the bushes for something buscar algo por todas partes

Andrew, stop beating around the bush and tell me what happened to Carl!
The next time he provokes me I'll beat him hollow!
Tyson beat his opponent to a pulp in the first round last night.
Mike's in hospital, a gang of hooligans beat him to within an inch of his life on Sunday.
Have you seen my purse? I've beaten the bushes for it but I can't find it!
  • to beat the drum (for) pregonar con bombos y platillos
  • to beat the rap quedar impune
  • to beat swords into ploughshares forjar de las espadas azadones
  • to beat your brains out estrujarse el cerebro

The whole government has been beating the drum for the reform.
Most criminals beat the rap nowadays. It's terrible.
We must stop this war and beat swords into ploughshares for the benefit of our country.
I've been beating my brains out but I can't find a reasonable explanation for it!


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