Expresiones y frases letra ‘to Bring’ idioms to Bring

  • to bring a lump to one's throat hacérsele a alguien un nudo en la garganta
  • to bring down the house ser todo un éxito
  • to bring home the bacon ganar el pan
  • to bring out the best/worst in someone sacar lo mejor/peor de alguien
  • to bring someone down a peg or two bajarle los humos a alguien
  • to bring someone to heel poner a alguien en vereda

That final scene was so moving! It brought a lump to my throat.
Peter's performance of 'Hamlet' really brought down the house.
Nowadays it's very common for both parents to bring home the bacon.
Mike's arrogance brings out the worst in him. It's so annoying!
The next time he yells at you I'll bring him down a peg or two.
My sister didn't want to do her homework but my dad soon brought her to heel.

  • to bring someone to their knees derrotar a alguien
  • to bring something to a close terminar algo
  • to bring something to light sacar algo a ala luz
  • to bring something to mind recordar algo
  • to bring up the rear cerrar la marcha

The Germans were brought to their knees by the Allies in 1945.
The evening was brought to a close with a speech by Mr. Philips.
The human genome was only brought to light a few years ago.
Sinatra's music always brings me good memories to mind.
My horse is the one bringing up the rear.

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