Expresiones y frases letra ‘to call’ idioms to call

  • to call a halt to something suspender algo
  • to call a spade a spade llamar al pan, pan y al vino, vino
  • to call in sick dar parte de enfermo
  • to call it a day terminar, dejar para otro día
  • to call it quits terminar, quedar en paz
  • to call someone names insultar a alguien

It started to rain so we had to call the parade to a halt.
Jack's really straight-forward, he really calls a spade a spade.
Emily's not coming to work today, she called in sick.
We've been working for hours, you're all tired, let's call it a day.
Jo and Bill decided to call it quits, they broke up.
All of a sudden, Peter started to call me names, I was shocked!

  • to call someone's bluff descubrirle a alguien la farolada
  • to call something into question poner algo en duda
  • to call something to mind acordarse de algo
  • to call the shots/tune mandar, tener la última palabra
  • to call to account pedirle cuentas a alguien
  • to call to heel poner a alguien en vereda

I knew the thief had a fake gun so I called his bluff.
If you accuse my father of murder you're calling his innocence into question!
Every time I hear Bob Marley it calls my trip to Jamaica to mind.
Dr. McNeill, our chief of surgery, is the one who calls the shots.
The teacher called me to account for something I didn't do! That's not fair!
The new secretary thought she could do whatever she wanted but the boss called her to heel.

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